I’ve been noticing the beautiful word Embodied coming up quite frequently lately, and I have found myself pondering, what exactly is the author trying to convey in using the word embodied? Is there a common definition for this? Is this another spiritual ‘fluff’ word?

If we consider that context is key, then ‘Embodied’ can convey varied meanings or implications, and surely, endless ways of practicing in an embodied way are out there, too. The literal definition of Embodied is to represent an idea or quality exactly, but esoterically, it would seem futile to place a definitive description for a concept that must be interpreted subjectively. 

In an Embodied practice, we are welcoming all parts of our life and our inner essence (not necessarily all at once!) to be felt in the body and then, to be expressed, should we feel inclined to do so. This is the very essence of Yoga; to marry the mind, heart, body, spirit, and higher consciousness in divine union, but sometimes we may need a concept to lean into for context and guidance. Within a given concept or context, we may give ourselves permission to ‘break the rules’ and explore more freely– our inner world is our oyster. 

I’d like to think there are potentially endless mediums of expression that fall under the ornate umbrella of Embodied practice; perhaps it is sitting in a chair and undulating the pelvis, jumping up and dancing passionately, writing from the stream of your own consciousness, sitting with the breath and observing each sensation, the list could go on eternally…

To develop an embodied practice is an adventure we have the honor to take ourselves on. As a guide, there are many practices I share that are intended to resonate with my students deeply, but I could never tell you which ones will be the absolute best for your own journey of self-discovery. However, what I can tell you is to start with what you love most. 

Are you someone who absolutely relishes getting to express your voice, singing along to your favorite tunes? Or do you get the most rejuvenation whilst spending time with the trees, the birds, the flowing rivers? Where are you when you feel most alive, standing firmly in your most authentic essence

If we want to align all parts of our being, to truly embody them,  let’s embrace the soul’s deeper longings, the innate wisdom of our nature, and invite those qualities into the body to begin to dance with them. Creating space for this exploration is in my humble opinion one of the most important elements of healthy practicing and holistic well-being. 

This is Yoga, guided by the guru within us all. 

Have you worked with Embodied practices before? I’m so curious to hear your own unique definition of this deeply personal, exploratory practice, please feel free to share with me in the comments (they make my day/week). 

With Love & Gratitude, 

Kayla Rose