My Story

My journey began over a decade ago when I needed to be brought back in alignment with my body & spirit, and to condense a story filled to the brim with peaks & valleys, I will say the ride was rough, to put it mildly. Yoga found me, in an alchemical way of bringing together that which is necessary. For the first time in my life, I understood what the feeling of true alignment felt like. Of course, this is a fluid process that will ebb & flow. I look back with an extremely humbled heart, and amazed by the series experiences that have unfolded since I began this quest of figuring out how to thrive

I took the slow path vs. the fast track but over the course of a few years, I became a (quite young) teacher who timedly taught a few classes sporadically. It was never easy to stick to this path, but I felt quite viscerally, that I needed to be here, and if I wasn’t here, it would be painful. One training then segued into another more in-depth apprenticeship with my mentor, Erika Burkhalter. 

Cracked wide open by this point, the path continued to reveal itself and I became enchanted by the ancient wisdoms of Ayurveda– something within me illumined and I realized this was exactly the bridge I needed to cross. Humbled by this sacred, and very comprehensive school of thought & of science, I continued my growth by taking a Health Supportive Professional Chef training at the Natural Epicurean, in Austin, Texas. This program honed in on the modality of Ayurveda, as well as Macrobiotics. 

Further amazed, I took my skills into practice professionally thereafter; I have continued to learn from direct experience and I am eternally grateful for each and every opportunity to play, experiment and grow. My experience ranges from teaching public classes, leading retreats, cooking for retreats, teaching for teacher trainings, leading workshops, and other bits and bobs.  

Since 2018, I have been living nomadically abroad, although I am from Orange County, Ca (which remains one of my favorite spots on this planet!).  A natural expansion occurred as I taught yoga, meditation, and vegan holistic wellness at retreats centers internationally and these experiences have ushered in gifts that continue to bloom as the years roll on. Now, I want to pass along the tools I’ve gathered to my community; my goal is to never place limitations on what that will look like or the forms my community will take

My styles of teaching in regards to Asana include: Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, & Restorative. In regards to Meditation, I guide my students primarily based on the principles of Instinctive Meditation, as learned by my mentors Dr. Lorin Roche & Camille Maurine of The Radiance Sutras School of Meditation, but I also teach from the Metta, or loving-kindness perspective as well. Additionally, I enjoy weaving in workshops on ayurveda, asana alignment, health-supportive cooking, creative writing, & women’s circles. 

I hold 700 hours of certifications in yoga (via YogaWorks), and meditation (via The Radiance Sutras School of Meditation).  Additionally, I am a graduate of The Natural Epicurean’s Professional Chef program, and a certified Barre instructor. I am blessed to be on this ever-evolving journey of sharing and growing with all those I have come across on this path. Together, may we access our path of highest good, abundance, and connection to our own divine nature.

Thank you for being here in my space. I believe wholeheartedly in the wonderful forces that bring us all together. Now, let’s create some magic and elevate each other!

With Love, 


P.S. Are you curious about yoga and meditation and want to know more? Hit the button below:) 

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